delivery starts
with accurate data

See how Zenhub uses AI and automation to remove manual work for engineering teams and drive the most accurate project data for engineering leaders.


Create issues anywhere, enhance them with AI

AI-powered issue creation

Stop manually updating fields. Zenhub helps you write better issues with AI suggested labels and AI powered acceptance criteria.

Slack Integration

Create and update issues directly from Slack. Turn existing Slack threads into Zenhub issues.

GitHub Integration

Connect your GitHub repos and bring your existing issues and pull-requests into Zenhub to manage.


Automate "busy work", minimize mistakes

Automated sprints

Less time planning, more time delivering. Zenhub automatically generates sprint candidates based on prioritized issues from your backlog.

Workflow automation

Ensure issue progress is always up-to-date. Workflow automation let's teams define custom triggers when an issue enters and leaves a pipeline.

AI sprint summaries

Summarize your sprint in seconds. Zenhub’s AI-powered sprint summary provides a human-readable summary of completed issues. 


Make better product decisions with real-time data

Real-time Roadmaps

Never question your roadmap. Zenhub’s Roadmaps automatically update so that you can see whether projects are on-track or at-risk.

Team Feed

Your daily standup - automated. Zenhub’s Team Feed shows you what everyone on the team is actively working on, and where they’re blocked.

Release Reports

Zenhub’s Release Reports show real-time progress towards key initiatives, scope creep, and predicted end-dates. 


Continuous improvement, powered by up-to-date insights

Sprint Reports

Stay on top of sprint progress with real-time burndown charts. Zenhub’s Sprint Report updates instantly as your engineering team closes work in GitHub. 

Velocity Reports

Understand your team’s capacity with Velocity Reports. Analyze trends and filter by labels, sprints, and assignees for more detailed insights.

Lead and Cycle Time

Measure efficiency with Zenhub’s Cycle and Lead Time Reports. Analyze trends and pinpoint the work that’s impacting team throughput. 

And everything you expect in a complete project management platform

Join the world's most productive software teams
